Casual Shorts & Skits
Films I made casually!

I made a stupid joke about art/sketchbook bros who show off how much they study/draw, humble brag saying how much they suck yet show off intentionally seeking compliments, and how they circle jerk each other within communities.

I made this stupid short cartoon to learn 2D animation in Blender, a completely free software. Exploring limited animation styles to produce fun shorts.

they're back. made this small quick thing to test out a loose style and system for future indie productions

What initially began as a mere VHS tape look n' feel experiment (which actually made my computer crash a few times), was turned into a hashed out cartoon for the calarts 48hr fest. I made up everything on the go as I worked more on it - so yeah its super random and stupid. I have to say, its been such a long time since I last touched the 4:3 aspect ratio - its a lot of fun to play with. And yes, this is parodying that crystal light aerobics video from the 80s. Here's the theme song alone And no, thats not hitler.

48 - 72 hour made short for the Calarts 48 hour film event. The theme for 2014 was "robot" A samurai befriends an unusual friend from space. I used voice clips from Chivalry: Deadliest Warriors. Ed Skudder guest voiced the robot at the end, and the music was taken from The Last Samurai.